Add Respresso sync as NPM script

Before adding a Respresso sync task to your npm script, you should configure the sync.

Once you installed the Respresso CLI to your machine and created a proper respresso.json configuration file, you can easily execute a sync from an NPM script.

  // ...
  "scripts": {
    "sync": "respresso sync", // You can add other options, like the --only-project <name or token>
    // Other scripts ...

Once you have added the sync script, you can run the npm run sync command to execute Respresso sync.

Legacy NPM package

The previous version of the Respresso sync client was packed as an NPM plugin, so you cloud install it using NPM. Under the hood, it was using a jar file that required java to be installed on your machine.

We decided to go to a self-contained, cross-platform direction instead of making multiple sync clients for each platform and implementing the same features multiple times. This is the reason we are deprecating the legacy NPM package. This also means, we can unify the sync experience of all platforms. Thanks to this, you won't need to learn and install multiple tools for different platforms.

We won't support the legacy NPM package, but you can still use it. You will find its usage instructions and documentation on GitHub. New features won't be implemented, e.g. named versions will fail to sync using this legacy NPM package.

Our new CLI is built using Dart. Thanks to this, we plan to compile it to JS that will replace the legacy package. Please let us know at if you are interested in it.