Team and project structure

Respresso has teams and projects as the main organization principle.

The main concepts are the following:

  • A team groups multiple users that are working together.
  • A team can own (contain) multiple projects.
  • A project contains all the resources.
  • Project access is limited to a subset of the users from the team that owns the project.


A team represents a company, organization, workspace or a product team in Respresso. It's an organization principle for projects and users. There is no limitation how many projects or users can a team hold.

Respresso has a role based user handling for each team so you can control what tasks can be performed by any user.

You can find and switch between your teams by clicking on your account in the top right corner:

You can find your teams and other team related options by clicking the account info in the top right corner.
You can find your teams and other team related options by clicking the account info in the top right corner.

You can also search for teams you would like to join or create a new one at any time.


A project represents all the resources you manage in Respresso for a single software app or module. Project resources are accessible to those team members who are explicitly added to that project. Currently, there is no limit on how many users can work on a single project, but it may be introduced in the future.

Respresso has a role based user handling for each project so you can control what project tasks can be performed by any user.

You can find and switch between your projects within the selected team by clicking the project's name on the left side menu:

You can find your teams and other team related options by clicking the account info in the top right corner.
You can find your teams and other team related options by clicking the account info in the top right corner.

Similarly to the team menu, you can search for your team's projects to send a join request or create a new project. (Listing projects are available for team members, outsiders will see only the projects they are part of. Creating projects are only available for team admins.)