Figma plugin

Respresso's Figma plugin lets you import localizations, images, colors and app icons from your Figma designs directly to Respresso. Then, you can edit them in Respresso and at the end you will get automatically generated platform-specific formats for Android, iOS and Web.

How to install the plugin?

Respresso Figma plugin can be installed from Figma Community. You can follow the official Figma docs or follow our instructions:

  1. Open a design file
  2. Select Browse plugins in Community from the menu.
  3. Search for Respresso.
  4. Switch to the plugins tab.
  5. Click the Install button in the Respresso plugin's row.
How to install Respresso's Figma plugin
How to install Respresso's Figma plugin

How to configure the plugin?

All our integrations uses the same settings that are documented in the common integration options page.

You can launch and configure the plugin using the following steps:

How to configure the Respresso Figma plugin
How to configure the Respresso Figma plugin

How the plugin manages your resources?

As described in the common integration options page, Respresso can import and also update already exiting resources.

The Figma plugin supports the following resource categories: